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Her Wet Island (2023)

Her Wet Island (2023)

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Nonton Film Semi Her Wet Island (2023)
Film semi yang satu ini berasal dari Korea yang tentunya sangat seru jika ditonton berdua bersama pasangan kamu Ji-hee and Tae-oh run away after killing her husband, the boss, in Saipan. In order to survive, the two head to Gwangtae, the boss of an organization in Pattaya with whom they have always been hostile. Gwang-tae seems to accept and protect the two of them, but Tae-oh decides to take Ji-hee back into hiding when he sees Gwang-tae like a time bomb. Tae-oh, who promised to run away at night, does not appear that night, and Rachel appears in front of Ji-hee¦

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Duration: 63 Min